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LWV of Seattle King County is a
501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization.
Tax ID: 91-1224769

Contact Us

Phone: (206) 329-4848
LWV of Seattle King County
1511 3rd Avenue, Suite 801
Seattle, WA 98101
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HomeWhere We Stand

Where We Stand


While the League does not endorse candidates, it does offer guidance on King County ballot measures after conducting a thorough study of the ballot language, assessing an initiative’s pros and cons, and interviewing and/or requesting information from campaigns both for and against the measure. Based on the League’s public policy positions, it may support, oppose, or remain neutral (take no position) on a measure. 

League opposes all statewide initiatives in 2024.
Read more about it on our state League's webpage.

Click here to see general information about current ballot measures.

Click here to see information about stance taken on past measures.


Lobby Team

Each year, the state League sets priorities for action during the legislative session in Olympia. The current legislative issues are published in early December. Team members then follow bills relating to the priorities. To follow the action, sign up for the legislative newsletter - a weekly email with a rundown on the bills being followed by the team members. To find out how to be a part of the State League's Lobby Team, contact the League of Women Voters of Washington at (206) 622-8961 or
You can see the 2024 Legislative Issues and Updates here

LWV Seattle-King County Public Policy Positions

For over 100 years, the League of Women Voters has been an influential voice on issues such as election reform, ethics in leadership, transportation, education, land use, civil rights and more. All League action is based upon our public policy positions, which are developed through consensus discussions by members, after a thorough study of the issues. Studies may be conducted at the local, state, and/or national level. Read our Seattle-King County positions. Last revised in 2022; readopted in 2024.

State League Public Policy Positions

The positions found in the Washington State Program in Action 2024-2025 form the basis for action on statewide legislation and policy-making and may also be used to support local action.

National League Public Policy Positions

The LWVUS policy positions found in Impact on Issues are the basis for action on national legislation and policy-making and may also be used to support local and state action.

Letters to the Editor

How To Write an LTE

We encourage you to write letters to the editor about the issues that matter to you. While only the LWVSKC President can speak on behalf of our League, your voice as an individual matters!

In February 2022,  LWVNJ offered this excellent training on writing Letters to the Editor. With their permission, we are sharing the slides and a link to the video from that training. Thank you,  LWVNJ!

Letter to the Editor Action Workshop Slides
Letter to the Editor Action Workshop Video

Where To Submit Your LTE

There are many local media outlets that publish letters to the editor. Here are links to more information for just a few. Be sure to look for outlets in your local community as well.

International Examiner
Sound Publishing — Find your local paper and search for "Submit a Letter to the Editor."
South King Media
South Seattle Emerald
The Seattle Times

Letters and Testimony

The League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County regularly communicates positions on public issues through letters and testimony to elected officials. Letters and testimony are available for review at our Seattle office.


Donate now to support the League's lobbying work.

We're fighting for a healthy climate, education, economic and social justice, voting rights and so much more. Your generous gifts make it possible.